Anyway, the event was a success. Thank you for supporting!
Pictures are all in photobucket. Click here to view the pictures of the event.
We have a writeup by our college's editorial board, ECHO.
Here it is!
It sure looked like a star-studded evening with model Stephanie Chai, singer Melissa Indot, widely-acclaimed choreographer (as well as Sun-U lecturer) Michael Voon, and hitz.FM’s deejay Natalie sitting at the front of the MPH. Not to forget performances by singers Ash Nair and budding rocker Prema Yin, one would’ve thought that it was a celebrity dominated show at Sun-U.
However, the stars of the night were not necessarily A-list celebrities.
Georyn Khoo, Harmeet Kaur, Clarisse Hoo, Annie Lim, Sally Ann, Abby Mohan, Shra Shekhar and Maheswary.
THEY were the big draws of the evening. And if these eight names at least sound remotely familiar to you, that’s because these are Sun-U’s very own homegrown girls!
After weeks of auditions and photo shoots, eight girls were finally shortlisted to be in the running for the title of Sunway’s One Top Model. Organized by the School of Computing Technology in support of World Vision Malaysia, the girls strutted and danced, acted or sang (or might have even done all three at once) their way into the hearts of the judges in order to win the crown.
Presentation seemed to be the most important factor that the judges (Chai, Indot, Voon and Natalie) were looking for.
“As long as she’s presentable, as long as she carries herself well, and I think it also shines from the inside as well, you’d need a little bit of that ‘X-factor’,” Chai divulged to ECHO.
The girls each had three rounds (the Malaysiana theme, and the casual and evening gown wear) on the catwalk, as well as a round of performance of their other talents, to impress everyone.
Audiences were entertained by singers Prema Yin, Ash Nair and Melissa Indot, a dance performance by hiphop outfit Nas, as well as the antics of emcees Hariz Shazali from ADTP and invited Fly FM deejays Jules and Prem.
Georyn Khoo of ACCA, Shra Shekhar of Ausmat and Sally Ann of DP+M were eventually chosen as the top three and were each asked a question on global social welfare, courtesy of World Vision Malaysia.
But the night came to a climax when it was announced that there was a tie between Shra and Sally. The tie-breaker came in the form of the million-dollar question: How had the entire experience change the girls?
After further deliberation, Shra was finally announced Sunway’s One Top Model!
The win came unexpected to her, “I seriously didn’t think I was going to win it! But after today it’s really boosted my confidence. Hopefully I can try applying for modelling contracts. But in the end, I’ll still be continuing my life as a normal student.”
And so it seemed that some dancing, a cheerful personality and a massive crowd of supporters can do wonders. Or so it did for Shra.
Congrats girl!